IUCN Rolex Awards‏

Dear All,
I am writing to encourage you to spread news of the latest call for applications to the Rolex Awards for Enterprise. Rolex Awards are given every two years. In the last round of awards presented in 2012, Rolex gave awards to 5 individuals, three of whom are running species related projects and who applied for the awards through the IUCN Red List website.
We would like to have a similar impact on the 2014 awards which will be exclusively devoted to young candidates. This means that only those aged between 18 and 30 are eligible to apply. Applicants are asked to submit projects that tackle the world’s most pressing issues in five areas: science and health, applied technology, exploration and discovery, the environment, and cultural heritage. Projects are judged on their feasibility, originality, potential for sustained impact and, above all, on the candidates’ spirit of enterprise.
Each Young Laureate will receive 50,000 Swiss francs over a period of two years. In addition, Rolex ensures all winners receive access to its network of more than 100 past Laureates, as well as the benefit of international publicity through media coverage and the Rolex Awards website.
Please encourage anyone you know who might be suitable to visit the Rolex Awards website through the link on the left of the species pages on the IUCN Red List and apply! You can see the button on every species page but here is an example:
I realize that not many people join the SSC Specialist Groups before they are 30 years old. So I would be grateful if you could think of younger people working in your areas of interest who might not yet have become SSC members, and circulate this message to them. Please don’t hesitate to contact Jeremy Harris (Jeremy.harris@iucn.org) should you have any further questions.
Best wishes
Simon Stuart


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